It would be best if you had Roblox Song Ids to play your favorite audio in the game. But what if you want to play a song louder?
Roblox is a highly mobilized community and loud blaring music may not be everyone’s cup of tea. Just so, Roblox auto deletes audio files that are too loud.
But if you still want to blare it out, maybe with your friends in a private game or server, you need a bypassed Roblox Id.
Are Bypassed Roblox Song Ids Safe to Use?

Bypassed Roblox song Ids literally ‘bypass’ Roblox’s base security against loud song Ids. Not that they are harmful to players and their systems, that is not the intention for these Ids, they are created by dedicated Robloxians to help other gamers who want more volume from their audio files.
I won’t blabber around on how big Roblox is and the loads, which is just what you get on most other gaming sites. Not here though.
Here’s the list of working bypassed Roblox Ids.
All Roblox Bypassed IDs Working Right Now
Songs | Bypassed Roblox IDs |
AnimeMusic | 803592504 |
TrollSong | 314311828 |
PumpedUpKicksMinecraftParody | 741123795 |
EDMBassBoosted | 889397884 |
MyronbyLilUziVertBoosted | 7501025082 |
SlobonmyKnobBeat | 3966799339 |
RosesbyJuiceWRLDbennyblancoBrendonUrie | 6811662502 |
Ziptie | 4557013422 |
TheHamsterDanceSong | 4556588648 |
JohnDeebyGHOSTMANE | 4784626001 |
BestFriendbyessenceisdead | 4571485882 |
BeinginLoveWithYouSeemsLikeaReallyBadIdea | 4567017168 |
WingsbyShorelineMafia | 5402503731 |
TSAYbyPesoDaMafia | 4608383688 |
LetsBringtheHouseDown | 5101586589 |
LoudBeat | 5599430581 |
BrightYellowLaserBeams | 4607916837 |
Super Loud Bypassed Audio Roblox ID | 7141156863 |
Roses by Juice WRLD | 6811662502 |
Myron by Lil Uzi Vert (Boosted) | 7501025082 |
ᴇʟʏ O †† O – Sugar Crash! [BYPASSED] | 6563471646 |
Troll Song | 314311828 |
Ziptie | 4557013422 |
John Dee by GHOSTMANE | 4784626001 |
Slob on my Knob (Beat) | 3966799339 |
Anime Music | 803592504 |
Being in Love With You Seems Like a Really Bad Idea | 4567017168 |
EDM Bass Boosted | 889397884 |
The Hamster Dance Song | 4556588648 |
Let’s Bring the House Down | 5101586589 |
Bright Yellow Laser Beams | 4607916837 |
Pumped Up Kicks (Minecraft Parody) | 741123795 |
Wings by Shoreline Mafia | 5402503731 |
Loud Beat | 5599430581 |
TSAY by Peso Da Mafia | 4608383688 |
Best Friend by essenceisdead | 4571485882 |

Now there may be other bypassed Roblox IDs out there. Someone might have uploaded a new one while you were going through this.
But Roblox does end up removing these Ids at some point in time. Just that bypassed Ids don’t typically show up on Roblox’s radar.
So if you want to make the best of these, use them asap when you have them!
And we’ve compiled a list of Roblox song IDs as well as how to use them in Boombox or Roblox radio.
More Roblox Codes