In a gacha game like Genshin Impact, players will inevitably find the best of the best characters who build well, have useful Talents, and have powerful base stats.
One of these characters is Tartaglia A.K.A Childe who’s a 5-star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ character with a lot to love. I mean, besides looking like the typical Anime bad boy, Childe Tartaglia has a lot to offer your team compositions in Genshin Impact.
And that’s what we’re here to do today, we’re going to take a deep dive into Childe in Genshin Impact, including his Talents, playstyle, moves, builds, Ascension, and more!
But first, we’ll go over important things to know about Childe in Genshin Impact.
Tartaglia Childe Genshin Impact Weapon, Moveset & Talents

Tartaglia is a super powerful DPS character with a lot of potential in the end game. According to his lore, he is the No.11 of the Fatui Harbingers and is currently the only playable character from Snezhnaya, making him a ‘unique’ entry to the current roster.
As I mentioned earlier, Childe in Genshin Impact is a 5-star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ character and features a special mechanic.
He is a Bow user and favors the Hydro Element, which is useful for combo-reactions. But wait, there’s more because his Talents allow him to be a versatile DPS who can attack from range and has melee attacks as well.
This is a one-of-a-kind ability and Childe is the first hybrid melee/ranged character in Genshin Impact, making him a desirable character for many.
What truly makes him stand out though is his arsenal of Talents and a powerful Elemental burst.
Here’s a quick rundown on all his Talents:
- Normal/Charged Attack – Cutting Torrent

Childe’s normal attack allows him to shoot six consecutive shots with his bow.

Aiming and holding down his charged attack allows him to deal increased DMG. This shot will deal Hydro Element DMG and apply the “Riptide” status effect.
- Riptide Status Effect
Enemies afflicted by Riptide will be hit with AoE Hydro DMG procced in two different methods. This DMG is considered Normal Attack Damage.
A fully-charged Cutting Torrent shot Tartaglia’s ranged stance on an enemy with Riptide deals multiple instances of AoE damage that can occur once every 0.7 seconds. This attack is referred to as Riptide Flash.
Once you defeat the enemy with Riptide, a Hydro mini-bomb explodes from their corpse that applies Riptide to nearby enemies, known as Riptide Burst.
Plunging Attack

Childe’s ranged stance has a Plunging Attack which rains arrows down mid-air with his impact dealing AoE DMG. However, when Tartaglia is in his Melee Stance after activating Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, he will no longer be able to do a plunge attack.
- Elemental Skill – Foul Legacy: Raging Tide

Tartaglia’s Elemental Skill, Foul Legacy: Raging Tide summons a blade made of pure water. This deals Hydro DMG in an AoE around Childe and he enters a Melee Stance.
His Normal and Charged Attacks are also altered to Melee Attacks, rather than attacking with his bow.
- Normal and Charged Attacks

In the melee stance, Normal Attacks can deal up to six consecutive Hydro DMG attacks.

Charging the attack will consume Stamina and unleash a wide cross slash that deals Hydro DMG.
Riptide Status Effects
Attacking an enemy with the Riptide Status Effect in the Melee Stance performs a Riptide Slash dealing AoE Hydro Damage. This damage is considered Elemental Skill damage and can only be activated once every 15 seconds.
When the ability is activated again or after 30 seconds, the skill ends. Childe enters his Ranged Stance and the ability starts to cool down.
Note that the longer you keep Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, the longer it will take for the ability to cool down.
Not switching back to the Ranged Stance before the automatic 30-second reset will make the cooldown even longer.
- Elemental Burst – Havoc: Obliteration
Tartaglia’s Elemental Burst, Havoc: Obliteration, changes depending on which stance he’s in when performing the attack.
- Ranged Stance: Flash of Havoc

Childe fires a swift Hydro arrow made of water magic which deals Hydro DMG in a medium-sized AoE and applies the Riptide status effect.
The attack also returns a portion of its EC (Energy Cost) drained from your enemies.
- Melee Stance: Light of Obliteration

When Foul Legacy: Raging Tide is active, his Elemental Burst will be Light of Obliteration.
Activating Light of Obliteration will make Childe perform a gigantic slash with a polearm over a wide AoE. This deals hefty Hydro Damage to all enemies in the area of effect and activates Riptide Blast.
Riptide Blast
Enemies affected by Riptide hit by Light of Obliteration remove their Riptide Status Effect and will be damaged by a massive Hydro detonation, dealing additional Hydro damage in the AoE.
As you can tell from the impressive Talent sheet, Childe in Genshin Impact is a force to be reckoned with. He’s an excellent character for causing havoc on clumped-up mobs with heavy AoE damage capabilities.
This is thanks to his Riptide skill which is activated in several ways, making it a deadly attack to whittle down big crowds of enemies.
Plus, activating his Elemental Skill Foul Legacy: Raging Tide is super fun to use and is ideal for dealing with close-up enemies.
Overall, Childe in Genshin Impact is a powerful DPS who can chain combo reactions easily thanks to his Talents.
Use your Elemental Skill to deal damage with Hydro, switch to another character and use their Skill/Burst, switch back to Tartaglia for a chain reaction Burst, and repeat.
Time it right, and you’ll have an unending barrage of Hydro attacks.
Tartaglia Genshin Impact Builds (Weapons & Artifacts)
Now that you’re caught up with all of Childe’s Talents and how to play them, it’s time to move on to equipping him with the right gear.
There’s a variety of choices in terms of both his Weapons & Artifact builds, but we’re going to stick to what he does best.
We recommend maximizing his Hydro damage potential for his Elemental Skill and Burst and increasing Attack DMG. This will also allow for easier chain reactions and devastating Hydro damage.

One way to build a powerful Childe Main DPS is by focusing on either increasing Attack DMG or Elemental Skill/Burst DMG. Here are some weapons that pair well with an optimal Childe Genshin Impact build:
- Recommended weapon – Polar Star
- Substitute weapons- Thundering Pulse, Skyward Harp, Rust
Polar Star
This bow is one of the best weapons for an optimal Tartaglia Genshin Impact build, and here’s why.
The Polar Star increases both Elemental Skill & Burst DMG by 12% but also stacks Ashen Nightstar. Stacks go up to 4 and last for 12 seconds and are activated after doing a Normal Attack, Charged Attack, or Elemental Skill/Burst.
With this, just attacking an enemy is enough to increase your Attack by 10/20/30/48% depending on Byakuya Stacks.
Since Tartaglia is going to be your main damage dealer, this is a powerful weapon. This makes him a wrecking ball with powerful Attack damage and increased Skill & Burst DMG.
Thundering Pulse
Thundering Pulse is another option in case you’re missing the Polar Star. It’s good enough to be interchangeable with the Polar Star so pick the one you have/like more. Thundering Pulse increases ATK by 20% and lets you stack Thunder Emblem.
Thunder Emblem can stack up to 3 times. Each level of the stack will increase Normal Attack Damage in 3 levels depending on how many stacks are active – 12%, 24% or 40% respectively.
To activate the stack, deal Normal Attack DMG, use Elemental Skills, or when his Energy is less than 100%.
The stat increases with this bow are substantial and will make it easier to plow through enemies.
Skyward Harp
Skyward Harp is another great weapon for a powerful Childe Genshin Impact Build and is similar to both the Polar Star and Thundering Pulse. However, Skyward Harp is more focused on Critical Attacks and increases Crit DMG by 20%.
It also increases the Crit rate by a base of 4.8% which is valuable for proccing attacks. Combined with his AoE capability, this will activate more often, dealing an extra 20% of Critical damage to clumped-up enemies.
On each successful hit, Skyward Harp also has a 60% chance to trigger a mini Area of Effect attack. Enemies within this AoE are hit with a 125% Physical Attack DMG that can be triggered only one time every four seconds.
Overall, a super-powerful, well-tuned weapon for Childe’s DPS potential.
For players who are missing these 5-star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ bows, here’s one you might already have in your arsenal. Rust is a solid weapon for Tartaglia and will do its job well even if it’s not the most ideal pick.
Rust is a pretty simple weapon and all it does is it increases Normal Attack DMG by 40% at Refinement Lvl. 1 and can max out at 80%. It also decreases Aimed Shot DMG by 8% and can go up to 12% at Refinement Lvl. 5.
While it’s a powerful weapon for Childe, other weapons we’ve showcased just do things better. Overall, the stat boosts are much more powerful and versatile on 5-star ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ weapons, but Rust is still viable enough if you’re missing out on those weapons.
When talking about Tartaglia’s artifact build, only one comes to mind. While he can take advantage of Set Bonuses from Artifacts like Noblesse Oblige, Shimenawa’s Reminiscence, or Emblem of Severed Fate.
But realistically, the best Artifact build for Childe in Genshin Impact will be the Heart of Depth.
This is a very powerful Artifact for Childe players as the 2-Piece Set bonus is a substantial +15% Hydro DMG buff and the 4-Piece Set bonus lets your Elemental Skill proc an increased Normal/Charged Attack DMG by 30% for 15 seconds.
This combination of effects is just too good to pass up. This will make Childe such a powerful Hydro DMG dealer that I wouldn’t need any other Hydro Element character again.
Everything we’ve mentioned here is the most important aspect of this Childe Genshin Impact character guide.
There are still things you should know about Tartaglia’s Constellations and Ascensions so we’ll go through those briefly so you can get a better idea of what he has to offer overall.
Childe Genshin Impact Constellations

Honestly speaking, Tartaglia is one of those characters that are very powerful at Constellation 0 (C0) and doesn’t need to be upgraded to C6. The difference in DPS overall isn’t that substantial and the Constellation buffs are average at best.
Just in case you were worrying about upgrading his Constellation Levels, there isn’t a need to. Combining his powerful Talent sheet, base stats, and viable builds, you won’t have to worry much about Constellations. He’s just that good.
For the most part, the upgrades you’ll see in his Constellations relate to quality-of-life improvements that aren’t integral to his performance like; Decreased cooldowns, Talent level upgrades, etc.
Tartaglia Ascension Materials List
Here are the Tartaglia Ascension materials you’ll need to increase his level cap:
Rank | Lvl Required | Cost | Materials #1 | Materials #2 | Materials #3 | Materials #4 |
1 | 20 | 20,000 | Varunda Lazurite Silver x1 | Starconch x3 | Recruit’s Insignia x3 | —————– |
2 | 40 | 40,000 | Varunda Lazurite Fragment x3 | Starconch x10 | Recruit’s Insignia x15 | Cleansing Heart x2 |
3 | 50 | 60,000 | Varunda Lazurite Fragment x6 | Starconch x20 | Sergeant’s Insignia x12 | Cleansing Heart x4 |
4 | 60 | 80,000 | Varunda Lazurite Chunk x3 | Starconch x30 | Sergeant’s Insignia x18 | Cleansing Heart x8 |
5 | 70 | 100,000 | Varunda Lazurite Chunk x6 | Starconch x45 | Lieutenant’s Insignia x12 | Cleansing Heart x12 |
6 | 80 | 120,000 | Varunda Lazurite Gemstone x6 | Starconch x60 | Lieutenant’s Insignia x24 | Cleansing Heart x20 |
Where To Find Childe Ascension Materials

If you were wondering where to find all these materials, look no further, here’s where you should look:
Varunda Lazurite:
- Silver – Oceanids/Souvenir Shop
- Fragment – Lvl. 40+ Oceanids/Crafted
- Chunk – Lvl. 60+ Oceanids/Crafted
- Gemstone – Lvl.75+ Oceanids/Crafted
Starconch: Beaches in Liyue
- Recruit’s – Dropped by Skirmishers, some Agents, some Electro Cincin Mages
- Sergeant’s – Lvl. 40+ Skirmishers, Agents, Electro Cincin Mages/Crafted
- Lieutenant’s – Lvl. 60+ Skirmishers, Agents, Electro Cincin Mages/Crafted
Cleansing Heart: Lvl. 30+ Oceanids
And that concludes it for our Childe Genshin Impact character guide. Get your hands on this super powerful DPS character and you’ll a massive change in your gameplay.
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