He’s charming, he’s dashing, and he’ll definitely let you know! Don’t let this Smug villager rub you the wrong way—-he’s just very fond of his own appeal. Let this princely horse sweep you off your feet in this Colton Animal Crossing villager guide.
Who is Colton in Animal Crossing?
Colton is a horse villager with a Smug personality in the Animal Crossing series. He was added to New Leaf back in 2012 and has been in the games since. His recent appearance is in the newest game of the series, New Horizons.

Colton’s Name

His English name is definitely a reference to the term for young male horses, which is colt. Meanwhile, his original Japanese name is quite different and might come as a surprise to you.
In the Japanese games, his name is actually Anthony. With such a Western name for a character in a Japanese game, it’s possible he’s named as such because of his European princely aura and to stand out as one.
Colton’s Looks
Colton is a white horse with a yellow mane. His cool blue eyes match the color of his inner ears. As a nice contrast to his white coat, his hooves are jet black.
His snout is in a pale pinkish beige color. He also has tiny blush ovals on his cheeks the same color as his snout.

True to his princely aura, he dons a Prince’s Tunic. You can see him around your island with the cape fluttering behind. In New Leaf, he wore a Blue Ringmaster Coat—-a different outfit but the same glorious vibe.
His umbrella in New Horizons is the Gelato Umbrella, and when he goes shopping he brings along his Veggie-Print Bag with carrots all over it.
Colton’s Catchphrase

Talk to him and you’ll definitely hear him say “check it” to you. This is Colton’s catchphrase and could be a reference to chess and how a knight can be used to checkmate your opponent.
Sounds like something a Smug villager would do!
Colton’s Personality
Colton is his name and Smug is his game. This horse is one of the Smug villagers in Animal Crossing, and boy does he revel in it.
While not outright rude and mean to their neighbors, Smug villagers can be quite full of themselves and talk about their accomplishments and interests a lot.
They also tend to flirt with the ladies in town, which usually doesn’t end well.

They can clash with other personalities, like Snooty and Cranky, due to their boastful nature.
Snooty villagers aren’t that fond of them flirting and Cranky neighbors won’t enjoy seeing them fooling around. Big Sister types won’t also tolerate their gossip.

But they do have their redeeming qualities. Peppy villagers enjoy their company due to their shared interests with fashion, and Snooty neighbors can bond with their fondness for elegance and high art.

Colton’s House

This regal horse isn’t just all talk—-his house is as fancy as he is! Outside, his majestic abode has a Yellow Tile Roof, Simple White-Brick Trim, and a White Iron Grill Door.

Inside, it’s all decked out with furniture a cultured horse like Colton would need. To show his music sensibilities, he has a Grand Piano and a Lily Record Player.
To make him all cozy, he has a Fireplace, a White Double Sofa, and a huge Antique Bed to sleep in.
Only the finest and softest bed for this horse! Of course, someone as prince-like as Colton would decorate his walls and floor with Palace Wall and Palace Tile.
Colton’s Popularity
Unfortunately for this prince, his popularity in various Animal Crossing communities is just so-so. He’s not ranked super low, but Julian and Reneigh outrank him in a lot of surveys.

Don’t feel too bad for Colton. The beauty of Animal Crossing is that no matter who the majority’s favorites are, you can have your very own dreamies.
All villagers in the game are special to someone. I’m sure Colton’s Smug heart will be delighted to know that!

Chance To Get Colton in Animal Crossing
If you are ready to invite this charming young horse to your island, there are four ways to get him.
First, you can try meeting him through Mystery Islands. Be ready to spend some tickets because there are 37 Smug villagers and three of those are horses.

The second method involves a lot of waiting through the Campsite. Colton can drop by as a visitor, and you can ask him to join your island.
If you have a friend with a Colton who’s leaving, you can visit their island and invite Colton to your island that way.

The last method won’t involve a lot of waiting and luck. If you have his Amiibo card, you can scan it on your Nintendo Switch and immediately invite him to your island.
What You Need to Get Colton in Animal Crossing

Great suggestions by @wickerisland on Twitter
If you want to shower him with gifts, better get him clothes in Gorgeous and Elegant styles or items in red and blue colors.
Excellent suggestions are Young-Royal Shirt and Royal Crown to bring out his princely qualities. It’s what Colton would want!
His birthday is on May 22nd, so keep this in mind when gifting him on his big day!
Colton in the DLC

He wants an exclusive tea party with his select guests and asks you to design his home with a VIP tea party in mind. You’ll get Afternoon-Tea Set, Tea Set, and Bistro Table as the three items you have to decorate his vacation home with. Don’t forget to add more sweets!
Colton Trivia
His presence graces one of K.K. ‘s album, Cafe K.K. In it, he enjoys a nice cafe with other villagers.

Has his princely charm convinced you to invite him to your island? Colton is one unique horse in his own royal way. I hope you got to know him more in this Animal Crossing villager guide!
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