Diamonds, the glittering blue gems, have long been a symbol of wealth and power in the world of Minecraft. They’re not just pretty to look at; they’re also a popular form of currency among players on Minecraft servers.
With the release of Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales, diamonds have gained even more significance. This guide will help you understand the optimal Y level for diamond mining.
The Ideal Y Coordinate for Diamond Discovery in Minecraft 1.20
In Minecraft 1.20, diamond ores are scattered between Y levels -64 and 16. These precious gems can replace a variety of blocks, including stone, andesite, diorite, granite, tuff, and deepslate. When diamonds replace tuff and deepslate, they transform into deepslate diamond ore.
The deeper you delve into the Minecraft world, the more likely you are to encounter diamond ores. Hence, the optimal Y level for diamond mining is -59, just above the bedrock layer. If you’re on the hunt for the rarer variant of diamond ore block, you’ll find it in the stone levels, from 0 to 16. The best layers to find these are where deepslate begins to appear, from Y level 8 to 0.
Cave Exploration vs Strip/Branch Mining: Which is Better?
While you can sometimes find diamonds in loot generated in structures, it’s generally more reliable to mine for them. But should you explore caves or opt for strip/branch mining? Let’s delve into both methods to help you decide.
Cave Exploration
Cave exploration at lower levels is a quick and reliable method to find diamonds in Minecraft 1.20. Large cave systems are likely to contain at least a couple of diamond ore veins. However, the number of diamond ores decreases if they’re exposed to air. This means you’ll find fewer diamond ores in air-exposed caves than in underground ones.
Caves are also home to hostile mobs, making your diamond hunting expedition a bit more challenging. If you’re looking for a quick diamond haul, read on for mining preparation tips. One type of cave that’s particularly rich in diamonds is underwater caves. Since water blocks don’t count as air blocks, diamond ore generation isn’t reduced in these caves.
Strip/Branch Mining
If you’d rather avoid fighting mobs, strip or branch mining might be your best bet. This method involves digging tunnels at the optimal level for mining diamonds, which is Y level -59. By digging 1-block wide and 2-block tall tunnels two blocks apart, you can maximize your chances of finding deepslate diamond ores. This method is also safer, as long as you ensure the light level stays above 1.
Preparing for Your Diamond Mining Adventure
Before you embark on your diamond mining journey, whether through cave exploration or strip/branch mining, you’ll need to prepare. Remember, you’ll need at least an iron pickaxe to break diamond ore. When you find a diamond ore vein, don’t mine it right away if you already have a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Try to get a fortune enchantment on your pickaxe first to increase your diamond yield.
Don’t forget to bring plenty of torches to light up your mines and help you navigate caves. Also, consider bringing a water bucket to turn lava pools into obsidian, and enough food to keep your hunger bar full. It’s also a good idea to bring chests to store building blocks and keep only the valuable items with you.
Why Diamonds Matter in Minecraft 1.20

Diamonds have always been a crucial component for crafting and repairing diamond tools, weapons, and armor. However, there’s an alternative way to acquire these items: villager trading. Minecraft 1.20 has introduced new recipes that make diamonds even more valuable.
The New Role of Diamonds in Crafting
Creating netherite armor and tools has become significantly more complex with the addition of the netherite upgrade. This smithing template is quite rare and difficult to obtain, but diamonds can be used to duplicate it. This recipe simplifies the process of obtaining the netherite upgrade and upgrading your gear to netherite.
Similarly, all other armor trim smithing templates can be duplicated using diamonds. This makes the rare armor trims renewable if you already have one. Plus, if you have armor trims ready, you can customize your armor using diamond colors.
So, diamonds in Minecraft are no longer just for show. They have a well-defined purpose and are more important than ever in Minecraft 1.20 Trails and Tales update.
If you want to bring the experience to your mobile smartphone, this guide will you a hands-on procedure on how to download Minecraft 1.20 on mobile in under a minute!