Many users have reported Discord Javascript error messages popping up whenever they launch Discord. No matter how many times you restart the application or even your PC, these Discord errors won’t let you log in.
In this post, we have listed all possible fixes to prevent any Discord fatal Javascript error. We have also arranged them with the easiest solution first so that you can easily single out the right fix for yourself.
What is this Discord Javascript Error About?
Few users get a Discord Javascript error on startup or during the installation of Discord on a Windows system.
Once you get this Javascript error, the Discord installer quits and you won’t be able to install it on your system.

Users have reported a few variations of these Discord errors. If you look at the error stack trace, the Discord errors revolve around .js files residing in your system.
This means there are ways to fix these Java script errors on Discord from your client system.
The dreaded message will say –
“A fatal javascript error occurred in the main process in Discord”
Here’s everything you need to know about how to fix a Discord Fatal Javascript Error.
Let’s run through the different ways to fix Javascript Discord errors. We have listed different techniques that will help you fix these errors.
These solutions are arranged in an order with the easiest fixes first and the most complicated ones at the bottom.
Discord Javascript Error Fixes
1. Run Discord Without Admin Privileges
Many users have reported that the Javascript error Discord popup is because you ran the Discord executable with admin privileges. Triggering Discord without admin permission is quite simple.

Go to your Discord directory. Search the Discord executable, right-click on it, and select Properties from the menu. Switch to the Shortcut tab and click on the Advanced button.

A window will open up where you will find a Run as administrator option. If the corresponding checkbox is checked, uncheck it and then click OK.

Once that’s out of the way, switch to the Compatibility tab and uncheck the Run program as an administrator checkbox, if checked. Click OK.
Now try running the Discord.exe and ideally the Discord Javascript error should vanish. If not, try out the next solution.
2. Restart Discord After Killing All Processes And Clearing Cache
If the admin privilege isn’t the problem then the root cause of the Discord Javascript error must lie in the Discord cache files stored on your local machine. To successfully remove those you have to first stop any running Discord processes.

Right-click on the taskbar and from the list select Task Manager.

Under the Process tab, you can check for active Discord processes.
Select the Discord process and kill it by clicking the End Task button from the bottom of the task manager window.
In case tasks are not terminated, you can end the tasks from a command prompt too.
To do so, type Command Prompt after clicking on the Windows Start button. Right-click and select run it as an administrator.
When the command prompt appears, type “taskkill /f /im discord.exe” in the console and press enter.
This will kill all Discord processes and threads. Now, you can go ahead and empty the Discord cache.

Press Windows + R to launch the Run Dialog Box. Type %appdata% and press enter.

You will land in the AppData Roaming folder. Try to locate the Discord folder, select it and delete all its content. In case you are not able to view the Discord folder, try searching among the Hidden items.

Once that is done, we have to clear the local app data. Press Windows + R to launch the Run Dialog box, type %localappdata%, and press enter.

Search the Discord directory, and delete all its contents.
Once you have cleared all Discord temporary files, restart your system and try launching Discord. Hopefully, the Java script error Discord popup shouldn’t appear.
3. Whitelist Discord In Your Antivirus Application
Depending on the firewall settings of your antivirus, it can ask you permission while downloading Discord installer files or while the Discord installation is in progress.
In case you have strict firewall settings, your antivirus can prohibit the download of some Discord packages required for installing Discord on your system.
Such files or DLLs are either completely blocked or moved to the virus vault for quarantine. That’s why during Discord installation you can get a Discord Javascript error.
To get past it you can either stop your antivirus while Discord installation is in progress, change your firewall settings so that Discord can download packages easily from their repositories, or add Discord as an exception in your antivirus.
Of all the options, adding Discord as an application exception is the safest and easiest. So, in case you have Avast Premium Security installed on your system, this is how you can fix the Javascript error Discord popup.

First, make sure that no Discord installer files are strangled in the Virus Chest or pushed for quarantine by Avast.
So launch Avast, and on the left side, you will see the Protection tab. Click on it. You will notice Avast Virus Chest on the right. Click it to view the list of Discord files absorbed by Avast for quarantine.

Inside the Virus Chest, you will find the infected file name and the file location where it was detected. By looking at this information you can track Discord-specific files which were caught by Avast.
Select Discord files one at a time, right-click on them and click Restore and add the exception.
This will restore all Discord-specific files caught in your antivirus’s firewall. But make sure you don’t add exceptions to potentially harmful/ malicious files. Refer file name and location before adding the exception.

Once the blocked Discord files are restored, you have to add Discord to your antivirus’s list of exceptions. To do so under the Protection section click on Firewall.
Click on Additional Settings and select Discord from your system. Now while Discord updates no files will be blocked by antivirus and prevent any Javascript error Discord pop-ups.
4. Restart QWAVE Service
The Quality Windows Audio Video Experience (QWAVE) Service is used by Discord to establish communication with its servers. And this can be one of the reasons that triggers Discord errors. So if any issue resides in the service, a force restart will solve it.

Open Run Dialog Box and type in “services.msc” and click Enter to open local services.

Here you can see all running, stopped and paused services. Find Quality Windows Audio Video Experience from the list of services and select it. Right-click on it and select Properties.

Under the General tab, you will find a Stop button. Click on it to stop the QWAVE service. Once the service is stopped you will notice the Startup Type of the service changes to Manual.
This means every time the QWAVE service needs to be started manually. Now, click on Start service. Once the service starts, change the Startup Type to Automatic then click Apply to save your changes.
During the above step you might encounter an error, “Error 1079: the account specified for this Service differs from the account specified for other services running in the same process”.

To resolve this issue, switch to the Log On tab and click on Browse.

A window will open and you have to fill the details in the “Enter the object name to select”. Enter your Discord account name, and click Check Names. Your account name will be verified and then save your settings by clicking Ok.
Now launch Discord and the Discord Javascript error should disappear.
5. Reinstall Discord
If you have tried and tested all the above-listed methods and still the Discord Javascript error doesn’t disappear, then the last resort is to uninstall.
Right-click, Discord and all its temporary cached data and then reinstall it.

Open Control Panel and click on Programs. From the list of installed applications find Discord.

Select Discord and click Uninstall to remove it from your system.
Wait for a few seconds until Discord is uninstalled from your system. Even though Discord’s software packages are purged, there will be cached data in Discord’s temporary local storage.

Press Windows + R and it will open the Run Dialog Box. Here type %appdata% and press enter or click OK.

Locate the Discord folder, select it and delete all its content. In case you are not able to view the Discord folder, try searching among the Hidden items.

Once that is done, we have to clear the local app data. Press Windows + R to launch the Run Dialog box, type %localappdata%, and press enter.

Search for the Discord directory and delete all its contents.
Now reinstall Discord and give it a try.
6. Fix Fatal Javascript Error, Discord For Windows 7 Users
In case you are encountering the Discord Javascript error on a Windows 7 PC, here’s how you can fix it.
- From the desktop search for My Computer. Right-click on the My Computer icon and click Manage. You might require admin access to open the Manage window.
- Now click on Server Manager and then select Features.
- Try to add a feature and select Quality Windows Audio Video Experience from the options.
- Click Next and confirm your installation.
- Finally click on Install to set up QWAVE on your Windows 7 system.
Now you need to restart your machine for the QWAVE service to be set up properly. Once your Windows 7 restarts, launch the Discord app.
7. Using Discord’s Beta Build (PTB)
If any of the above steps couldn’t resolve your Discord issue, then I believe it must be a bug and you have to wait for their recent update. Or you can try out Discord PTB. Their test beta build.
Discord PTB has all the features of the normal app, but you will also be able to see other unmasked data and untested codes and features in the Discord console. Yes, it’s safe.
You can download Discord PTB here.
In the post, so far we checked out 7 ways to fix Discord Javascript errors. These Discord errors can stem from changes in privilege level, and even due to outdated Discord cached files.
Fatal Javascript error popups can also appear due to firewall restrictions on your antivirus.
Your antivirus may block a few Discord libraries and files from downloading during installation or during updates. So it’s better that you add an exception around it.
You can even restart the QWAVE service to fix handshaking issues if any. But if you are still unable to get past the Javascript error Discord popup, it’s better to uninstall and reinstall the application after removing cached files.
The Discord Javascript error in Windows 7 appears in case the QWAVE service is missing from your system. Installing and rebooting is all that’s required.
All in all, we have covered almost all remedies for Discord Javascript errors on startup. In case you find any new solution that helped you solve fatal Javascript errors on Discord, then do let us know.