As the creator of the Sean Bean meme has famously written, “One does not simply” …well, sell a million copies within the first 2 months of release.
But when we talk about video games, Ghent-based developers Larian Studios showed us that not only are these numbers in a saturated gaming environment still possible, but they are precisely what it takes to change the face of the market and change it for good.
Before discussing the best Divinity Original Sin 2 builds, let’s dive into alternative masterpieces and games like Divinity Original Sin 2.
Divinity Original Sin 2: Still. Still Running Strong
Divinity’s success was something that most RPGs aside from offerings from a handful of studios (like Bethesda) could only dream of. But this kind of unprecedented success was not a lucky strike. It was a carefully and lovingly crafted and consolidated plan, and boy, did the plan work.
As mentioned, Divinity: Original Sin 2 is an isometric RPG set in the fictional land of Rivellon, set centuries after the end of the first game.
From the off, you can see the love of old-school turn-based RPG games in the hearts of the developers, and the careful utilization of (and innovation with) nostalgia.
Divinity leaves no stone unturned to make sure that its fans can still have their ways of old while including a subset of very clearly defined mechanics for newer players and players who are just trying to get into this niche.

And one of the things Divinity does perfectly is the theory-crafting, as the Build system works perfectly to service your preferred playstyle without sacrificing gameplay experience or the functionality and foundation of the code itself, which we would effectively call ‘breaking the game’.
The Build system is Larian’s unique spin on character creation and class selection; each race has its strengths, weaknesses, and support abilities, like any other of the best RPG games you might see in the wild.
Unlike the first title in the series, high damage is the name of the game in Divinity: Original Sin 2. The quicker you take down enemies’ armor, the better your odds will be at getting fast and heavy damage in.
And although the game makes it incredibly streamlined to find out what your best damage option is going to be for most encounters, it is similarly important to find out the DOS 2 best builds.
Doesn’t hurt to know more ways to make the game entertaining either, does it?
Best Divinity Original Sin 2 Builds
9. Eternal Warrior

One of the best divinity 2 builds in the entire game, and a great one to start off with is Fextralife’s spin on the Death Knight. With this powerhouse of a build, you can not only absorb a lot of damage dished out at you, but in fact give a good chunk of it back to your enemies.
To start, the Eternal Warrior will require to heavily invest in the Necromancer skill tree so that you acquire the passive healing when dealing damage to an opponent’s Vitality.
Combining the Living Armour talent with the former, the Eternal Warrior can replenish their Magic armor while being on the offensive without fear of losing their position at the forefront of the battle.
The beautiful synergy keeps going here, as with the addition of investment into the Warfare skill and the talent Vampiric Hunger, Eternal Warrior can keep further replenishing their Magic armor should there arise a need for it.
The skill unlocks Bone Cage and Challenge also further demonstrates the brutal versatility of this build.
The Eternal Warrior should be equipped with a balance of Strength and Intelligence, as this allows them to keep up their offensive, defensive, and survival capabilities on the battlefield.
8. Blood Mage

Another excellent Necromancer-focused build is the Blood Mage, which is a great utilitarian and support-based outfit. The Blood Mage can self-heal and provide excellent damage and support to the rest of the cast.
The basics of this build are your Intelligence stat, with Blood Mage being able to use Critical Chance and the Crit multiplier much much better than other builds.
Along with that, Intelligence-based armor is highly recommended to tap into the full potential of this build. (Gets better with Grasp Of The Starved and Blood Storm skills!)
Ability and Talent distribution is key component of this build, as it is extremely easy to invest in the wrong abilities which can ultimately be debilitating for your team.
Spreading your abilities and talents evenly across the board will be a vital part of the Blood Mage.
The points you will need to invest are in Hydrosophist, Necromancer, Scoundrel, and Warfare for Abilities, and Elemental Affinity, Executioner, Savage Sortilege, Hothead, and Far Out Man.
Along with strong Necromancer skills such as Bloodsucker, Mosquito Swarm, and Decaying Touch, the Blood Mage build is excellently rounded up to have some of the best support any team can have.
7. Frost Paladin

An extremely Physical focused Warrior build, Frost Paladin is excellent for buffing yourself and generating a lot of attacking power.
The Frost Paladin is great at healing themselves and trapping their enemies with Frost spells for a ton of damage.
Focusing primarily on Strength, which directly increases the straight-up damage that they do, Frost Paladins are required to also invest in Wits to increase their critical multiplier.
To further increase their stopping power, this build will focus on two skills: Global Cooling and Ice Breaker.
Strength-based armor is the way to go here, as ideally, the Frost Paladin should look to withstand a lot of enemy attacks.
A single-handed weapon and shield combination is sufficient, as using a shield provides this build with a Deflective Barrier, which reflects damage back at the caster along with buffing your Physical armor.
For Abilities and Talents, most of Frost Paladin’s strengths come from Hydrosophist and Warfare, which will make sure that your healing and damage dealing capabilities are perfectly balanced.
Apart from that, focusing on Necromancer, Polymorph, and Scoundrel will round the build-out perfectly to maximize your output.
6. Tectonic Sage

A build focusing on disruption using Geomancy, the Tectonic Sage is a Mage capable of literally turning the tide of the battle in one fell swoop.
Through numerous status effect abilities, these Mages will make sure that their team always has the strategic cards at the forefront of their deck.
As mentioned before, the Tectonic Sage entirely builds around Geomancy with skills such as Contamination, which deals Poison damage to enemies, Fossil Strike, which deals Earth damage, and Fortify, which provides a boost to your Physical armor.
As for your attributes, spending points on Intelligence is the obvious choice here, with some into Strength and Finesse to get the best out of this build.
To add on, Intelligence-based armor will absolutely minmax the damage that you will dish out.
As for weapons, dual wands are the best loadout choice, as you will need less protection due to your high Geomancy and will need to deliver as much status effect damage as you can.
To complete the build, make sure you add on skills like Medusa Head, which gives you Petrifying Visage, Adrenaline which gives you 2 action points for the next turn, and Tactical Retreat, which gives you the ability to teleport away from incoming damage.
5. Duelist

The Duelist build is an extremely risky endeavor, but in the right hands, it can pull off multiple roles on the battlefield, definitely among the most powerful in this list of Divinity 2 best builds.
The high damage low resilience nature of this build is perfect for someone who knows how to adjust to different changing situations.
Naturally, the main allure of this setup is the dual-wielding capabilities of this Rogue archetype.
Players wanting to make this playstyle their own are recommended to go for a Dwarf character, as the Sturdy trait gives Dwarves an additional 5% to dodging on top of the 10% given to you by the Parry Master Talent.
To increase the damage output of the Duelist, players must focus on two key attributes, Finesse, and Wits.
Finesse is intrinsically attached to the damage of your dual-wielding daggers, and Wits, as usual, grant you a critical multiplier and Critical Chance. Wits are also essential for spotting hidden items throughout the game world.
As for Abilities, Dual Wielding, Scoundrel, and Warfare are great to invest points into, and Opportunist, The Pawn, and Hothead are the appropriate Talents to carry with you.
The maximum capability of the Duelist build is only achieved when you deal damage and stay alive, so play around with the above and see what works best for you.
This is also among the best Divinity Original Sin 2 character builds, best used as a Dwarf.
4. Stormchaser

Another high damage build that relies on you constantly dodging to avoid attacks is the Stormchaser, a Mage build that is centered around expanding your own capabilities and limiting those of the enemy.
To start off, a Stormchaser must focus on Intelligence as a primary stat to invest points into, and Wits and Memory as secondary stats, to increase their critical chance and help them play around with a larger number of skills.
Further synergy is provided by Intelligence-based armor as their goal is to dodge most Physical attacks.
As far as Abilities go, you’ll want to go balls to the wall on your Aerotheurge ability, which is their main avenue of dealing damage.
Aside from that, a distribution of points into Huntsman, Hydrosophist, Necromancer, and Polymorph is the way to go.
Synergistic Talents for the Stormchaser include Lone Wolf, which makes up for the most important Talent providing a host of benefits, Executioner, which provides +2 AP on a killing blow, Savage Sortilege, which allows your spells to deal critical damage, Mnemonic, which provides you with extra Intelligence, Hothead, granting you extra health and damage, and Far Out Man, which extends the range of your skills by that crucial extra 2 meters.
3. Magick Archer

A build focused on the Lone Wolf Ranger archetype; Magick Archer is a ranged damage option with opportunities for great versatility in attack. Although a very solo gameplay-oriented build, the Magick Archer can be incredibly powerful in a team-based setting as well.
The attributes that you want to focus on are Finesse and Wits. Finesse directly contributes to the overall damage potential of your ranged attacks and increases the performance of your elemental arrows.
Points put into wits are essential for a critical chance. As is the norm, for the most synergy, you want to go with Finesse-based armor, and because the enemy subset keeps changing, it is advisable to invest in both Physical and Magic armor.
Owing to eponymous circumstances, Magick Archers will be required to run a loadout of the highest damage crossbows and bows. Abilities that you should invest in are Warfare, Ranged, and Huntsman.
Talent-wise, obviously Lone Wolf is included, as are Executioner, Arrow Recovery, which gives you a 33% chance at getting your special arrow back, and Far Out Man.
An all-around solid build for a solo-focused player, the Magick Archer is the perfect combatant if ranged is the way you want to go, entering the top 3 Divinity 2 Original Sin best build.
2. Juggernaut

As the name suggests, the Juggernaut build for the warrior archetype focuses on earth-shattering damage potential. A mix of Geomancy, Warfare, and Polymorph skills are the trifecta that makes the Juggernaut tick, with the objective being to deal a mix of Earth and Physical damage.
The purpose of the Juggernaut is to cripple your enemies’ armor, while keeping them constantly locked in place using Earth elemental damage.
Of course, the build’s primary attribute should be Strength, with a mix of points invested into Wits and Constitution at your discretion.
Armor will be Strength-based, with a view towards protecting yourself while dishing out a lot of pain. Another important aspect of the Juggernaut will be the shield, with which you can run Bouncing Shield and Deflective Barrier, further increasing your armor, a fan’s favorite among DOS2 best builds.
Although the Juggernaut build is flexible enough for you to scatter points as you see fit, optimally you should be going for a mix of Warfare, Geomancer, Hydrosophist, and Polymorph.
The Talents of concern here are Opportunist, which should be your primary talent, The Pawn, Picture of Health, and Savage Sortilege.
As far as grounded, consistent damage is concerned, this is one of the best Divinity 2 builds you can work on.
1. Elusive Enchanter

Yet another Mage build on our list, the Elusive Enchanter is one of the best crowd control builds which focuses on restricting the enemy more than anything else.
This spin on the Mage archetype focuses on three skills and the synergy between them: Rain, Hail Strike, and Electric Discharge.
As is the case with most Mage-type builds, the Intelligence attribute needs to be raised as high as quickly as possible.
For weapons, having dual wands is your best choice for damage, and Intelligence based armor to accompany your relatively high attribute stat, and skills like Chameleon Cloak to go invisible and Uncanny Evasion to raise your survivability.
A combination of Hydrosophist and Polymorph is the way to go here. Along with that, Aerothurge is another option should you choose to invest in versatility.
For Talents, Mnemonic is your best bet, along with Elemental Affinity for a reduced cost to spells, and Savage Sortilege, Executioner, and Hothead to round out the build.
As you further progress in the game, acquire additional skills that will help your build-out immensely are Global Cooling, Pressure Spike, Chain Lightning, and Skin Graft. An incredibly flexible build for a flexible taste, this is our Divinity Original Sin 2 best build.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a masterpiece and a great way to get into the wide and incredibly customizable world of isometric RPGs.
It has the best builds for every kind of player, whether you like it up close and personal, to blast your enemies from afar, or a mixture of both, including the 9 best Divinity 2 builds mentioned above and many, many more.
Besides, as you progress further, the game opens and allows you to explore many other avenues and minmax to your heart’s content, and that is when you realize where the magic in this brilliantly crafted system is.
If you think that your build has some of the best DPS that the game has to offer, let us know!
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Is Constitution worth it in Divinity Original Sin 2?
Constitution is highly recommended for the player wanting to get up close and deal melee damage, or someone running support for the entire party. Apart from that, you’d best divide your points according to the skills you want to acquire.