In this article, I’m going to go over my second favorite Ghost-type Pokemon, Drifblim. I’m going to cover every single Drifblim weakness, as well as its strengths.
Afterward, I’m going to go over how to use Drifblim in Pokemon GO! Since its mechanics and Pokemon differ ever so slightly.
Remember to Float Down for the Chart

I’ve added a Drifblim weakness chart down at the bottom. The chart is updated for Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, so it’s completely up-to-date and ready to use.
What is Drifblim Weak Against?

For this guide, I’m going to cover Drifblim’s defensive weaknesses. Drifblim is a Ghost-Flying type, which means it has the weaknesses and resistances of both types.
Drifblim will take double damage from the following types of moves:
- Dark
- Ice
- Rock
- Electric
- Ghost
What is Drifblim Strong Against?

Having two types makes Drifblim weak to more moves, but it also increases the Pokemon’s resistance. For example, both Ghost and Flying-type Pokemon resist Bug-type moves, which means Drifblim will take 0.25x damage from Bug-type moves.
Here is every move type that Drifblim is strong against:
- Bug (0.25x)
- Grass (0.5x)
- Poison (0.5x)
- Ground (immune)
- Normal (immune)
- Fighting (immune)
Drifblim Immunities (Ground, Normal, Fighting)

As you can see above, Drifblim is immune to three types of moves. This is because Ghost-type Pokemon are immune to Normal and Fighting moves.
On top of this, Flying-type Pokemon are completely immune to Ground-type moves. This type-pairing makes Drifblim the most immune Pokemon in any Pokemon game.
Drifblim Weakness Pokemon GO!

Pokemon GO! Is not yet up-to-date with the main series games, as far as its roster goes. However, it is up-to-date on game mechanics and type advantages.
This means, in Pokemon GO! Drifblim will be weak against:
- Dark
- Ice
- Rock
- Electric
- Ghost
With that being said, Pokemon GO! allows for quick swapping and offers a few tools to help ensure your Drifblim wins, despite disadvantages.
Drifblim BDSP VS Chart
Type | Multiplier (Defending) |
Dark | 2x |
Ice | 2x |
Rock | 2x |
Electric | 2x |
Ghost | 2x |
Bug | 0.25x |
Grass | 0.5x |
Poison | 0.5x |
Ground | Immune |
Normal | Immune |
Fighting | Immune |
Drifblim Raid Counters (Pokemon GO)

Now that we’ve covered Pokemon GO PvP, let’s take a look at Raid Battles. With the following Pokemon, you’ll be able to absolutely dominate any Drifblim Raids you find yourself in (sometimes even solo!)
Pokemon | Quick Move | Main Move |
Mewtwo | Psycho Cut | Ice Beam |
Gengar | Shadow Claw | Shadow Ball |
Luxray | Spark | Wild Charge |
Raikou | Thunder Shock | Wild Charge |
Magnezone | Charge Beam | Zap Cannon |
Honchkrow | Snarl | Dark Pulse |
Zapdos | Thunder Shock | Zap Cannon |
Houndoom | Snarl | Crunch |
Absol | Snarl | Payback |
Electivire | Thunder Shock | Wild Charge |
Notice any particular theme? These are mostly Ice, Electric, and Ghost Type Pokemon. If they do not fall into that Typing, then they can at least learn the moves of these Typings.
Shadow Pokemon

If a Pokemon appeared in the above list, chances are that their shadow form will also be extremely strong against Drifblim.
Some of the best Shadow Pokemon to bring against Drifblim are:
- Shadow Mewtwo
- Shadow Absol
- Shadow Zapdos
- Shadow Magneton
- Shadow Raikou
If I listed every single Shadow Pokemon that would stomp a Drifblim Raid, we’d be here all day! Just remember the Type Advantages and you’ll be fine.
Mega Pokemon

If you have some Mega Energy to use before your Drifblim Raid, but aren’t sure which Pokemon you want to Mega Evolve (remember you can only have one at a time), then consider these:
- Mega Gengar
- Mega Absol
- Mega Manectric
- Mega Ampharos
You’ll see some familiar faces here, of course. If a Pokemon is strong against Drifblim, of course, its Mega Evolution will be strong as well!
Drifblim BDSP VS Chart
Type | Multiplier (Defending) |
Dark | 2x |
Ice | 2x |
Rock | 2x |
Electric | 2x |
Ghost | 2x |
Bug | 0.25x |
Grass | 0.5x |
Poison | 0.5x |
Ground | Immune |
Normal | Immune |
Fighting | Immune |
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