Fallout Shelter was released way back in 2015 to coincide with the announcement of Fallout 4.
At first, fans were dubious. They were rightly suspicious of a free-to-play mobile game using the name of their favorite franchise. We’d all been stung before.
To everyone’s surprise, however, Fallout Shelter has been a hit and weathered the storm caused by Fallout 76. It’s not a perfect game, though. Fallout 76 is unlike any other game in this storied series. It is a management sim where you take the role of the Overseer.
The Curious Rise Of Fallout Simulations
Management sims can be super time-consuming at the best of times, and Fallout Shelter is no different.
If you want to build the perfect shelter, it will take up a lot of your free time. Even worse, since it’s a free-to-play game, it has many real-time timers you must wait through, often for hours.
It also has plenty of micro-transactions. At times, it feels like pay-to-win. But worry not. Whether you’re new to Fallout Shelter or a seasoned pro coming back for more,
We’ve got the best cheats and Fallout Shelter tips around to make sure you don’t have to spend a dime you don’t want to.
How to cheat on Fallout Shelter

So, let’s start with the bad news. As a free-to-play game, there are very few cheats for Fallout Shelter.
This shouldn’t really be too much of a surprise. The game is free, so the publishers have to make their money by selling impatient gamers like us in-game items like extra materials, timer skips, and loot boxes.
However, it can be argued that these micro-transactions just aren’t good value. If you want an exceptional vault, you could easily end up spending more than you would buy a triple-A game.
So, what I’m saying is don’t feel too guilty about cheating here. I’m pretty sure Bethesda can take the hit.
There are two ways to cheat in Fallout Shelter. First, there are bugs and exploits that are in the game and haven’t been patched out. While there aren’t many left, the ones remaining are pretty powerful.
The second way to cheat in Fallout Shelter is to use third-party software to install the kind of cheats that were common in games fifteen years ago.
Of course, downloading third-party hack software is always risky, but don’t worry, we’ve found some malware-free options.
Fallout Shelter Exploits
Our first Fallout Shelter cheat is so obvious I’m genuinely amazed it was ever included in the game.
Time Lapse

One of the most annoying things about most free-to-play games, Fallout Shelter included, is timers.
The boffins worked out that players are more likely to spend money if they are forced to wait for tasks to finish.
In Fallout Shelter, you’ll often have to wait for your dwellers to finish tasks, new rooms to build, resources to gather, etc.
As you get further into the game these waiting times get longer until your progress grinds to a halt and you can only play for a few minutes a day.
So, what if I told you that you can skip these waits altogether?
A Fallout Shelter speed up time exploitation?
- Click the Settings menu option
- Choose General
- Select Date & Time
- Disable auto option
- Now just change the time and date on your device to skip any counters
When utilizing this exploit, there is just one caveat. Make sure you skip enough time that everything will be available to collect at once.
If you don’t do this, game stability will be affected and the game could freeze up on you when you change the time back.
Repeated use of this exploit will save you dozens of hours.
Plus, it almost feels like a sweet little Metal Gear Solid 2 easter egg.
Free Rock removal

As you expand your vault, you’re going to have to do a lot of rock removal.
This can get pretty expensive and start to take a big toll on your caps supply.
The good news is there is another handy and very easy to exploit and remove those rocks for free.
- Choose the type of room you plan on building
- Decide where to place it.
- Rather than pick and empty space, start deleting rocks until nearly all your caps are gone
- Place the building wherever you want.

- The rocks will still be gone, but the game has forgotten to charge you.
Infinite Lunchboxes and Money

This exploit requires you to start a new vault so it may not be for everyone.
However, if you are new to the game or don’t mind starting again, it’s pretty invaluable.
This exploit nets you as many free Lunchboxes and as much money as you want

- Start a new game like normal working through the tutorial.
- You’ll get the objective “Equip a dweller with a weapon” or “Sell one weapon or outfit”.
- DO NOT complete these. Just carry on completing other missions.
- Eventually, you will get the missions “Get 50 water”, “Get 50 Food” or “Level up a Dweller”
- You can just redo these missions to farm their rewards. It will last as long as you don’t complete the earlier stated missions.
This is a great exploit that will let you speed through the game, best combined with Time Lapse.
Hacks and Cheats
So, you’ve played around with exploits but still want more?
No problem. It’s time to bring out the big guns. The stuff Bethesda doesn’t want you to know about.
The following Fallout Shelter tips are all about the two primary types of Fallout Shelter hack.
You can either edit your save file which sounds way more complicated than it actually is.
Or you can download a cheat trainer.
Edit Your Save File

The first of Fallout Shelter hacks is to edit your save file to give yourself whatever you want in-game. This can be a hack to add specific items, a Fallout Shelter caps hack, change character attributes, etc. Whatever, the sky’s the limit.
The great thing about editing your save file is it works on mobile versions, which means this is one of the few Fallout Shelter cheats for android gamers too.
As you need to do is –
- Go to this link.
- Upload your save file to the below page

- If you can’t find your saved file, don’t worry
- On PC/ Launcher the file is in: Documents\My Games\Fallout Shelter
- For the Windows 10 store version, click here
- If you play on Steam, it’s here- C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\FalloutShelter
- And on Android it’s here- storage/sdcard/Android/data/com.bethsoft.falloutshelter/files
- Now just use the tool on the site to edit your file with whatever you want.

- Replace your old save file with this newly edited version
- Restart the game and you should be ready to go.
This is probably the ultimate cheat. However, just teleporting everything into the game does get a little boring. Compared to the exploits above, this method feels like it saps a lot of the fun out of the game.
It is a cool way to experiment though!
Install a Fallout Shelter cheat app

If editing your save file sounds a little too intimidating and technical, there is another option.
There are no stock Fallout Shelter cheat codes and no Fallout Shelter console commands you can use.
However, you can change this by installing a cheat engine/trainer. These are just a fancy name or a Fallout Shelter cheat app.
These essentially work as a Fallout Shelter cheat app full of Fallout Shelter codes.
Of course, downloading third-party software is always risky and there’s a lot of malware floating around out there pretending to cheat software.
Because of this, you should stick to either Plitch or WeMod.
Both are free and work on both the Steam and Windows Store versions of the game, which is nice. So, these are the only Fallout Shelter cheats pc.
WeMod includes the following cheats:

- Unlimited health
- SuperSpeed
- Max Electricity
- Max Food
- Max Water
- Max Happiness
- Max Stats
- No radiation
- Instant Level Up
- Max Storage Space
- Unlimited Caps
- Unlimited Nuka Cola
- Unlimited Radaway
- Unlimited Stimpaks
- Freeze Lunchboxes
- No rats
- Never fail Rush
The thing to note here is that WeMod acts as a kind of Fallout Shelter cheats switch. Within the app, you toggle the cheats on or off, rather than using codes.
Plitch is more traditional because it adds actual codes to your game. Each Fallout Shelter cheat is activated by a certain key combination.

The cheats available are –
Prepare for Vault
- Add 1 stimpack
- Add 1 Rad Away
- Max Dweller stats
- Dweller Invincibility
- One hit kill within quests
- Infinite Resources
- Add 1000 Caps
- Add 100 Food
- Add 100 Energy
- Add 100 water
- Add 10 Nuka Cola Quantum
- No rush failure
- No disasters
I personally much prefer the Plitch cheats. Because you can just add whatever you need, you can use it sparingly to just give your vault a step up. The WeMod cheats are all or nothing, which ruins the fun.
These Fallout Shelter app cheats are also a little more limited than just editing your save file. For example, there’s no Fallout Shelter Mr. handy cheat here.
They also only work on PC, so if you’re looking for Fallout Shelter cheats android, you’re out of luck.
How to Make Caps in Fallout Shelter

The problem with these cheats apps and file editing, however, is that they take away much of the fun in playing the game.
Downloading cheats doesn’t take any skill. Whereas there is at least some skill in utilizing exploits.
Fallout Shelter caps are the key to success, but the game can be a little stingy handing them.
So here are Fallout Shelter tips you can use to maximize your Cap earning power.
Do the Objectives

One of the fastest ways to earn caps is just to do the objectives you’re given as you play.
Just click the radio icon and the award icon to see a list of your current objectives.
The easiest to complete should only take a few minutes to finish and always award you with caps.
Some of the more difficult ones will get you a free Lunchbox!
Sell What You Don’t Need

Early in the game, every item you receive is precious. But as the game goes on, you’ll go from scrabbling to make sure your dwellers are equipped to min/maxing their builds.
When you reach this stage, just sell the older low-level junk you no longer need. Otherwise, it’ll just be sat in your inventory gathering dust.
Just tap on the Pip-boy in the screen’s corner and select “item storage”.

From here, you can sell anything you don’t need anymore for sweet, sweet caps.
Farm the Mysterious Stranger

The Mysterious Stranger is an NPC from the core games who appears in Fallout Shelter.
He will randomly appear in your vault, and you’ll have a limited amount of time to find him.
If you catch him, you’ll get anywhere from 100 to over 2000 Caps. Nice!
He should appear roughly every 10-15 minutes and his arrival is announced with a musical cue.
So, if you like, you can run Fallout Shelter in the background whilst you do something else with your audio turned up.
Then every 15 minutes or you’ll hear his cue, jump back in, and earn yourself some nice free caps!
Utilize your Vault Dwellers

Every time dwellers level up, you’ll get a small handful of caps.
As your vault grows, and you recruit more dwellers, these small handfuls will start to add up.
Focus on leveling up your dwellers until it is safe to send them out scavenging in the wasteland.
Focus on sending dwellers out that have high native luck stats. Then improve these stats further with a games room in your vault.

Sending high-level dwellers out into the wasteland with high luck is a relatively low-risk way of farming caps and good items.
Unfortunately, it’s more of a late-game tactic.
The Backlash Of Lunchboxes
In Fallout Shelter, players can obtain ‘Lunchboxes’ that contain random rewards, similar to how players can spin a slot machine in an online casino game. The contents of these Lunchboxes are determined by chance, and players only know what they will get once they open them. This creates a sense of anticipation and excitement similar to spinning a slot machine.
Additionally, both Fallout Shelter and trustworthy online casinos often use virtual currencies that can be purchased with real money. In Fallout Shelter, players can buy ‘Nuka-Cola Quantum,’ which can be used to speed up processes or purchase resources. In online casino games, players can buy virtual chips that can be used to play various games.
Also Read: KoTOR 2 Cheats – Get the Best Game Codes and Tips Here
So those are our Fallout Shelter tips and tricks as well as how to cheat in Fallout Shelter.
If you’re struggling with Fallout Shelter or getting tired of the freemium mechanics, then the cheats and save edits can be tempting.
However, they also make the game pretty dull to play. Fallout Shelter isn’t a lot of fun once you take the challenge away and just gift yourself everything.
The exploits are a little more fun. They take some skill to do correctly and it’s always fun to feel like you are gaming the system.
I find the game is at its most fun when you play it as intended though. Just playing for a few minutes a day as a time killer.
I’ve never felt the need to spend any money in-game. But at the end of the day, you got the game for free, so what’s wrong with dropping a dollar or two on a friendly Mr. Handy?