Today we take a look at everyone’s favorite giraffe Pokemon, Girafarig. Girafarig is one of the strongest Psychic-type Pokemon, thanks to its typing and base stats.
I’m going to cover every Girafarig weakness and resistance so that you know which Pokemon you should avoid and which you should KO.
Girafarig Weakness and Strength Type Chart

For your convenience, I’ve included a handy dandy chart down at the bottom as a visual aid to sum up what follows.
If you need a reference for the future, go ahead and save the chart, or bookmark this page so you can come back whenever you need it!.
What is Girafarig Weak Against

One of the best things about Girifarig is that it barely has any weaknesses.
Usually, Psychic-type Pokemon would be weak to Ghosts and Normal-type Pokemon would be weak to fighting.
Since Girafarig is Psychic/Normal, these weaknesses get nullified making this one tanky giraffe Pokemon.
With that being said, Girafarig still takes double damage from the following type of attacks:
- Bug
- Dark
What is Girafarig Strong Against

Girafarig doesn’t have many weaknesses, but it also doesn’t have many resistances. This is because Normal Type Pokemon do not have many resistances. Girafarig being half Normal-type also nullifies its Psychic resistance.
Girafarig will take less damage from the following attack types:
- Psychic (0.5x)
- Ghost (Immune)
Ghost Immunity

Since Girafarig is half Normal-type, it gains immunity to Ghost-type attacks. This is actually a huge advantage since Psychic-types are usually weak to Ghost Pokemon.
This immunity is one of the main reasons competitive players opt to take Girafarig with them. That, and the creepy Chain Chomp tail.
Girafarig Raid Counters

If you’re here because you’re about to take on a Girafarig in a Pokemon GO Raid, and need the best advice for defeating it, then you’re in luck.
I’ve included (another) handy dandy chart for you to reference. While Girafarig isn’t likely to give you too much trouble, you can never be too prepared.
These are Girafarig’s strongest counters in Pokemon GO
Pokemon | Quick Move | Main Move |
Houndoom | Snarl | Foul Play |
Absol | Snarl | Payback |
Honchkrow | Snarl | Dark Pulse |
Darkrai | Snarl | Dark Pulse |
Bisharp | Snarl | Dark Pulse |
Weavile | Snarl | Foul Play |
Gyarados | Bite | Crunch |
Hydreigon | Bite | Dark Pulse |
Shadow & Mega Pokemon

If you have Bug Type Pokemon and are ready to take down a Girafarig, then I highly recommend bringing one that you can Mega Evolve easily (Beedrill for example).
If you have none that you can Mega Evolve, then you should check your inventory of Shadow Pokemon and see if you have any Bugs in there.
Here are a few of my favorite Shadow and Mega Pokemon to bring against Girafarig:
Pokemon | Quick Move | Main Move |
Shadow Shiftry | Snarl | Foul Play |
Shadow Pinsir | Bug Bite | X-Scissor |
Shadow Scizor | Furry Cutter | X-Scissor |
Shadow Cacturne | Sucker Punch | Dark Pulse |
Shadow Scyther | Fury Cutter | Bug Buzz |
Mega Beedrill | Bug Bit | X-Scissor |
Girafarig VS Chart

Type | Multiplier |
Bug | 2x |
Dark | 2x |
Psychic | 0.5x |
Ghost | Immune |
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