Some people may ask: “why should I know how to add friends on Animal Crossing? The game is a solo experience!”
To this, we quote the metaphysical poet John Donne, “No man is an island” and that is definitely the case with Animal Crossing.
Although the game is primarily a solo experience, there are a lot of things you can do with friends in the game.
Helping each other can greatly enhance your New Horizons life, from collecting fruits and item varieties to clearing your local flora of flowers and weeds. Things are easier with friends!
But you might be wondering why you can’t add friends to the game. The catch is that Nintendo doesn’t make the process that easy.
If you’re scratching your head wondering how to add friends on Animal Crossing, let me help you figure this out with this quick guide.

Steps To Add Friends on Animal Crossing
Step 1: Be Nintendo Switch Friends
Before you can become friends on Animal Crossing, you actually have to be Nintendo Switch friends first. The two common ways to add friends on the Nintendo Switch are through Friend Codes or playing together in a game.
Nintendo Switch Friend Code Method
To check your Friend Code, simply go to your Nintendo Switch Profile. Below your avatar there should be a set of numbers and letters – that’s your Friend Code right there.
No Friend Code? Link a Nintendo Account first.

Send your code to people you want to be friends with. To add you, they have to go to Add Friend and choose Search with Friend Code.
Accept their request to add them to your Switch Friends List.

NOTE: There is no Animal Crossing Friend Code, just the Nintendo Switch Friend Code.
Users You Played With
Another method to become Switch Friends is to play a game with people you want to be friends with on the Switch.
After playing, go to Add Friends and pick Search Users You Played With. You’ll see a list of profiles of people you’ve interacted with in your games.
Click on the people you want to add and send them a friend request.

Step 2: Meet Each Other In Animal Crossing
Being in each other’s Switch Friends List doesn’t immediately make you Animal Crossing friends.
You actually have to meet each other in the game first. You can visit their island, have them visit you, or meet at someone else’s island.

But when can you add friends this way? It all involves your Dodo Airlines, which only opens on your second day of playing the game.
If your airport’s already open, go inside and talk to the dodo bird.
To go somewhere:
- Pick “I wanna fly!”
- Next, pick “I wanna visit someone” to go to a player’s island
- Next, pick “Via online play” which requires the internet, while “local play” is when Switches are near each other
NOTE: You need a Nintendo Switch Online (NSO) subscription for online play.
- For online, the game checks your internet connection first.
- Pick “Search via Dodo Code” and type your friend’s airport code. This code is needed so only people with the code can get in.

To invite people:
- Pick “I want visitors.”
- Choose between local or online play. For online, you need NSO.
- After connecting online, pick “Invite via Dodo Code”. The other options are when you have friends already. With Dodo Codes, you can control who flies in.
- You can also limit who can use your Dodo Codes. Pick “The more the merrier” to invite anyone or non-friends. If you want friends or best friends only, pick the other choices.
- Send this code to people you want to meet in the game.

Step 3: How To Add Best Friends
Open your NookPhone with ZR and go to the Best Friends List app. Press L or R to go to your Friends List. Press ‘a’ and send a Best Friends request. Easy-peasy!

It wasn’t so hard now, was it? Now you can easily add friends on Animal Crossing. Remember these steps so you can befriend a lot of people in the game.
Add best friends, invite friends to your island, and have a fun time on Animal Crossing!
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