Among the many charms of indie darling Stardew Valley lies the prospect of some peaceful fishing. Not only that but the potential to build an entire empire on a single item. Sturgeon.
Let’s get right to it. How to catch Sturgeon in Stardew Valley and how to build a caviar empire from it!
Where to Catch Sturgeon in Stardew Valley
Where to Catch Sturgeon in Stardew Valley

While sturgeon is not particularly known for the price it fetches on a single sale, its value lies in the production of Sturgeon Roe, which is, much like in real life, the source of extremely valuable caviar.
There is only one location that has sturgeon available; the Mountain Lake area. To catch sturgeon in Stardew Valley, however, you will have to fulfill seasonal requirements.

You can catch Sturgeon in Stardew Valley only in Summer and Winter, between 6 am and 7 pm, in any kind of weather. Do note that the Sturgeon will be more in abundance during the rain.
Additionally, in the Winter, you can only fish when it’s raining. You can make rain happen with the Rain Totem.

How to Catch Sturgeon In Stardew Valley

Before you head to Mountain Lake and try to make your very own caviar empire, you need to know that there are hidden difficulty levels that each fish have when it comes to the minigame of reeling them in.
And because the Sturgeon has such high value under the surface, it is only fitting that it is one of the hardest fish to catch in the game.

To make things easier, you can gradually level up your fishing skill by catching smaller ones, craft and acquire better bait, totems and other items to increase your chances. Lastly, the Iridium Rod is a huge help when it comes to catching fish such as these.
How to Make a Sturgeon Pond in Stardew Valley

Ah, now we come to the best part, where we make you a caviar tycoon for absolutely free.
After catching your Sturgeon, you’ll need a pond where they can thrive. For that, you need to approach Robin and give him the necessary material (5000 gold, 200 stone, five seaweed, and five green algae) for him to make you a pond, which will be 5×5 tiles in area and take two days to build.

Afterwards, your Sturgeon will ask for specific materials that you need to bring them, including a Diamond, 1x Jelly/Pickles/2x Maple Syrup, 3x Omni Geode, and 1x Nautilus Shell as they grow in number.
Your Sturgeon may produce Roe every day, and if you preserve them, the Roe turns into caviar, which you can then sell for 500 gold. If you have the Artisan profession, you can charge 700 gold for it!
For the ultimate life simulation experience, check out other games like Stardew Valley.