Iron Golems are one of the most powerful creatures in Minecraft. They can be made by placing a carved pumpkin on top of a T-shaped set of iron blocks. Coming to life and protecting you from enemies.
If you’re looking for how to make an iron golem in Minecraft, keep reading.
What you need to build an Iron Golem
- 4x iron blocks
- 1x carved pumpkin
How to make an Iron Golem in Minecraft
Step 1 – Get 4 iron blocks. To do so you need a total of 36 iron ingots.
Iron can be harvested from mines, found in mineshaft chests, or stolen from a blacksmith’s chest in a village.

Step 2. Now that you’ve harvested your iron, you need to craft 4 iron blocks. You can do this by placing a piece of iron in each crafting space on your crafting table, just like the image below:

Step 3. Next, you need to get a carved-out Pumpkin. You can find regular pumpkins in the wild or grow your own.

Step 4. Once you’ve found one, carve out the pumpkin using shears.

And remember to pick it up!

Step 5. Place the iron blocks in a T-shape, with the carved pumpkin on top.

Step 6. Then, right-click on the pumpkin to make the Iron Golem come to life.

That’s all there is to it! If you’re looking for a powerful protector, an Iron Golem is a perfect choice.
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Do Iron Golems Protect You?
How to get an Iron Golem to follow you?
You can make Iron Golems forcefully follow you, like with other mobs, by attaching a lead to them.
What do Iron Golems eat?
When an iron golem’s health drops to 75 percent, cracks appear on its surface. An iron golem can be healed by right-clicking the chest of the iron golem with an iron ingot. The ingot is consumed in this process, restoring the golem’s health.
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