No More Heroes 1 is an action game released by Grasshopper Manufacture in 2007.
Players take the role of a nameless protagonist who must defeat various assassins and other enemies to achieve his goal of becoming the “No.1” assassin in the world.
The gameplay revolves around picking up weapons, such as swords or hammers, off defeated foes and using them against others until one emerges victorious.
But is it worth it in 2025? Just what this No More Heroes 1 Review answers!
This game was developed for Nintendo Wii, and later we saw No More Heroes Switch ports. The game has received criticism from some players due to its focus on violence with little regard for plot or characterization.
While this may be true, it’s also one of the most unique games I’ve ever played. Its fast-paced, frantic thrills never stop coming at you from every direction and make your time on it more than worthwhile.
No More Heroes 1 Switch Review: Narrative
In a world where games are a new reality, No More Heroes is one of those rare gems that can meet any gamer’s desires.
It combines violence with humor in an action-packed story and gameplay that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
This game follows Travis Touchdown as he tries to become the number one assassin in Japan with his trusty beam katana.
Travis has just been rejected by many other assassins organizations around the country, but he refuses to give up and vows revenge against them all!
Along the way, Travis meets some quirky characters who help him get closer to his goal while at the same time teach him valuable life lessons.
If you love classic open-world games like Yakuza, then you will love this game.

After seeing a successful launch of this goofy and weirdly fun and satisfying game, we saw a sequel. No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, which took on the frequent complaints and made the game even better.
No More Heroes 2 on Switch is pretty impressive given its standards, but we did expect a bit better with the Windows port.
The game is essentially a hack and slash title, so we do get to see some gruesome action and dismemberment, but the essence of the game lies not in its action.
As super-assassin, we still have to do chores like cutting grass and carrying coconuts.
This gem of performing arbitrary tasks just to get enough money and experience to advance the main story in open-world games is what sets it apart from others.
No More Heroes rises above its over-the-top action, fabulous aesthetics, ceaselessly enjoyable writing, and style.
Main Story and Side Quests

The game can get on your nerves though – you have to ride your bike to your next objective.
It demands sheer uncompromising commitment, not everyone’s cup of tea, but for those who like JRPGs for their repetitive detail, it’s home soil.
With all the comedic lines and side quests, the characters in the game are magnificent. Each has its own set of personalities and traits that enhance the wonderful details in the game.
But that doesn’t mean it softens up in boss battles.
Untamed Switch Version

The hack and slash action of the game where you cut through hordes of enemies using your katana appeals to many.
Even though in the Wii version we do not get to see much of it as enemies explode into coins. However, thankfully the uncut and untamed version of the switch is the best by a country mile.
We get to make critical hits, final blows that result in the dismemberment of one or more enemies, and that is what most of us want.
No More Heroes may have been a cult classic for some although by then, we did have the likes of Max Payne around, which is easily the better pick.
But, taking nothing away from it, No More Heroes is a different take on hack-n-slash games that made a mark on many. Definitely worth a shot!
No More Heroes was developed by Grasshopper Manufacture
Overall Rating: 87%