- How Many Overwatch Characters Are There in Overwatch 2?
- Ramattra
- Sojourn
- Junker Queen
- Kiriko
A lot has happened since the first Overwatch hit store shelves in 2016. The game has come a long way, there have been various copycats threatening to take it off the highest perch of esports and general FPS fandom.
Despite that, including several terrible metas, off-screen issues, and technical hiccups, the game has persisted at the top of the podium of online first-person shooters.
Now, Overwatch sees its latest evolution yet, with a sequel designed to change some of the key concepts of a winning formula while keeping the enjoyment, exhilaration and satisfaction of playing the game the same.
These changes have not only come in the form of new maps and modes and skins and other cosmetics but in the form of several new, powerful heroes.
So, let’s take a look at some of these heroes.
How Many New Overwatch Characters Are There In Overwatch 2?
As of today, there are 4 brand new characters for you to play in Overwatch 2. They are – Ramattra, Sojourn, Junker Queen and Kiriko.
New Overwatch 2 Characters x4
The latest of these new characters and the third Omnic to be introduced into the character list, Ramattra is a Tank character in Overwatch 2.
Primarily focused on having the best of both worlds in mobility and defense, Ramattra comes equipped with two modes: his regular form, and Nemesis Form.
In his regular form, Ramattra can do a fair bit. The Void Accelerator is his primary weapon, and in the primary mode of attack, he chips away at the enemy’s health. This can be used both as a way of poking the enemy frontline or as a cleanup tool.
The second ability that he has is his proprietary shield ability, the Void Barrier. Functioning similar to Sigma’s barrier, this shield tanks a lot of damage and can lock off portions of the map from enemy access. A side note is that it can even be stationed in mid-air if you manage to get it up there somehow.
Now, we get to the good part.
For 8 seconds, Ramattra can transform into his Nemesis form, which takes away a lot of his mobility but at the same time gives him extra strength and defense.
For context, a well-timed transformation into the Nemesis form can easily tank a D.Va bomb, allowing you to shield yourself and continue dealing damage at the frontline of the enemy team while not having to fall back.
Finally, his Ultimate ability is the Ravenous Vortex, wherein Ramattra launches an energy ball. This energy ball then turns into a giant vortex, which continually deals damage to all those who are trapped inside it, and pulls them downward.
Even with his kit on the verge of being broken, Ramattra finds himself to be mid-tier so far. The 8-second Nemesis form limits him and the lesser overall damage makes him a bad option frontline attacks.
Although his Ultimate ability is fairly serviceable as an anti-air option for the flying Pharah-Mercy duos, several characters such as Doomfist, D.Va and Roadhog still outclass him in terms of general usability and usability in the higher tiers of gameplay.
One of the first heroes to be announced for the first game, Sojourn is an agent of Overwatch who led it for a short period after the events that transpired in the first game as well as during the timeline between the two games.
The primary weapon that Sojourn has is the Railgun, which she so often quotes during her in-game dialogues as well. For a time, it was the strongest dual-firing-mode weapon in the game, and one of, if not the, strongest weapon in the game overall.
The railgun has, as we mentioned, two firing modes. With the regular primary fire, it is a very high-speed and accurate auto rifle, similar to Soldier-76’s primary weapon.
But what differentiates it from his weapon and any other weapon in the game is the secondary mode, in which it releases a charged shot, the strength of which is based on the damage that Sojourn has accrued until the point of firing it.
When fully charged, this weapon is only rivaled by Widow’s Kiss, Widowmaker’s sniper rifle. But, it is also better in the way that it does not shrink your cone of vision while firing, needing only to be fired from the hip.
Sojourn also has the Power Slide. It’s an excellent movement option that allows her to slide quickly across the map. Useful to drastically close or increase the gap between enemies. Making a jump after a Power Slide also gives her extra distance on her vertical leap.
Third, Sojourn has her Disruptor Shot, which is a ball of energy fired through her left arm. This then turns into a force-field that deals continuous damage-over-time to enemies inside the field.
Finally, Sojourn has the Ultimate ability Overclock, which essentially makes her alt-firing mode an infinitely-shooting railgun that can be used to capitalize on stragglers and squishy enemies to insta-kill them, no matter the damage she dealt with her primary fire.
All of these make Sojourn overpowered, but nowadays she is quite balanced, with a drastic reduction in the things that she could do. With the new season, there have been several changes to the character which have taken a little bit of her mean streak away.
But for a while, there was no Damage hero more satisfying to play. Today, she still sits at the higher tiers in the meta for most professional as well as casual players.
Junker Queen
Another character who only enjoyed a very sad amount of time at the top was Junker Queen, the last character that was introduced pre-launch. An Australian nomad, the Junker Queen is known for exacting revenge against the people who drove her family away.
Her primary weapon is the Scattergun shotgun, which does a fair bit of short-range and negligible long-range damage. But her effective range is very up close and personal. So if you are trying to play range, you should probably look at a few other characters.
Regardless, Junker Queen gets a passive ability called Adrenaline Rush. With it, she regains some portion of her health back according to the Wound (damage from her abilities) damage caused. Getting health back for causing carnage ultimately seems like the perfect loop, but doesn’t actually help her much in-game.
The Queen’s third ability is that of throwing her knife, the Jagged Blade. The Blade is a very useful tool in her arsenal that does both burst damage as well as damage-over-time.
The fourth ability that JQ gets is her Commanding Shout, which increases movement speed of all characters around her including herself within a specific radius, providing an easy gateway into reaching the objective quicker or getting a movement advantage on the enemy.
Additionally, she also gets Carnage, another ability that deals damage to the enemy from the huge axe that she wields. This also heals her, as it is part of the Wound damage category.
Finally, her ultimate ability is Rampage. It’s an AoE attack that has the Queen rotate her weapon in her hand while she charges forward blisteringly fast. Ultimately a bit underwhelming, it does have the ability to deal considerable damage-over-time and make enemies vulnerable.
One of the most successful additions yet, Kiriko ‘s possibly one of the strongest medics introduced to Overwatch yet.
Connected to the Shimada family through training under her mother together with series staple characters Genji and Hanzo, Kiriko shares and amplifies some of the abilities they both have.
A vigilante calling herself the protector of Kanezaka, Kiriko manages to balance the healing ability of her bloodline with the ruthless streak that her mother has given her.
The primary weapon that Kiriko has is the Kunai, a set of throwable weapons that deal a high amount of damage if the enemy is hit on the head. On her other hand, she gets the Healing Ofuda, which she can throw to continually heal her allies, so long as she has a sight line on them.
Along with her fantastic general movement and the ability to scale walls, Kiriko gets the Swift Step. The Swift Step cleanses Kiriko from all debuffs and teleports her to the location of the ally that she is looking at.
One of her stronger abilities is the Protection Suzu. With it, she cleanses her allies and herself from any damage and debuffs immediately and begins her health regen. This also causes all of her allies affected by the Suzu to be briefly invulnerable. Makes it even stronger when getting out of a sticky situation.
Finally, Kiriko gets one of the most powerful Ultimates ever introduced in the game; the Kitsune Rush. The Kitsune Rush has Kiriko summoning the legendary fox and forming a spiritual gate as well as a pathway. She and allies that pass through it get immensely increased movement speed, cooldown reduction, and a firing rate boost.
And there you go, these are the four new Overwatch 2 characters, with more having been announced by Blizzard already! We’ll play them and keep you updated.