Sea of Thieves has plenty of interesting resources that pirates can collect, hoard, and use while sailing the endless seas.
Some of these resources are purely vanity items, like the Sea of Thieves Curses, but others bring treasures, gold, and whole new sea worlds to conquer.
One such item is the Sea of Thieves Ritual Skull. Included in the game after the Dark Relics update, a Ritual Skull in Sea of Thieves brings so many opportunities to the hoarded.
Selling them for Doubloons, exchanging them for Gold, Reputation points or Commendation, and above all, using them to unlock Sea of Thieves Fort of the Damned.
How To Acquire Every Ritual Skull In Sea of Thieves?

Not to incite a pirate’s ‘ARRRGHH,’ but acquiring a Ritual Skull requires time, skill, and Doubloons.
We will tell you about every location of a Ritual Skull in Sea of Thieves, and then it’s up to you. So, let’s get to it:
1. Weekly Fate of the Damned Voyages

You are guaranteed a Ritual Skull in Sea of Thieves if you complete the Weekly Fate of the Damned Voyages.
These are Bilge Rat Voyages that will lead you to various parts of the sea to find out what happened to the Skeletons. Rumors are that Skeletons are planning something with the Ghost Of Graymarrow, time for you to find out.
This weekly event is available for free at any outpost from Larinna, and completing this guarantees a Ritual Skull drop and an Order Of The Souls treasure.
Every week, pirates will have to face a new voyage, but these weekly challenges are a relatively easier way of getting your hands on a Ritual Skull.
2. Skull Stash Voyages

Perhaps the easiest way of acquiring a Sea of Thieves Ritual Skull is by completing the Skull Stash Voyages. These are one-chapter quests to find and dig up a Ritual Skull, but you’ll have to spend 40 Doubloons.
To buy a Skull Stash Voyage, head to the Bilge Rat Black Market and meet Larinna. You’ll get a map with an X mark, which is the location of a Ritual Skull buried there by the Bilge Rats.
But, there’s a catch. You can only buy one Skull Stash Voyage a month; otherwise, the Fort of the Damned raid mission would have lost all its value.
3. Hunt Down An Ashen Lord

There are a total of 4 Ashen Lords in Sea of Thieves. These Ashen Lords are a part of Flameheart’s army, and defeating them guarantees piles of treasures and a Ritual Skull.
During the Ashen Winds world event, look for a fiery-red Ashen Wind Cloud over any of the large islands in the Sea of Thieves.
This red tornado indicates the summoning of an Ashen Lord and once you get close enough, a boss battle with the Ashen Lord will commence automatically.
Tips To Defeat An Ashen Lord:
Use Eye Of Reach, Gunpowder Barrels, and your ship’s cannon. Stay as far as possible from the Ashen Lord to take minimal damage.
4. Locate Ashen Chests

This isn’t a sure-shot way of getting a Ritual Skill in Sea of Thieves, but with a little bit of lady luck, you might get one. An Ashen chest will always have an Ashen Tome with two other items (anything from Gold to Ritual Skull). In short, even if you don’t always get a Ritual Skull, you’ll get something worthy.
But, how to get an Ashen Chest? Here’s how:
- Get 2 after defeating a Skeleton Fleet Captain Ship. (Guaranteed)
- Get 1 inside the Skeleton Fort vault. (Guaranteed)
- Get 1 for completing the Ashen Guardian’s Notes quest. (Guaranteed)
- Get 1 after defeating an Ashen Lord. (Reward Chance)
- Get 1 for sinking a Skeleton Ship. (Reward Chance)
Opening an Ashen Chest will also require an Ashen Key.
5. Defeat A Skeleton Fleet

Do you know about the Skeleton Fleet world event? Roaming the seas, you’ll sometimes see a ghost sea ship. Get close to the ship, and you’ll enter the Skeleton Fleet world event- where you’ll have to fight several Skeleton ships.
The last ship ascending from the sea is a Captain’s Ship, and sinking it would result in a Ritual Skull drop. You’ll have to fight and survive 2 waves of Skeleton ships- each wave having up to 2 ships- before Captain’s Ship appears.
Beware: There’s a chance of going face-to-face with the Kraken while looking for the Skeleton Fleet world event.
6. Sinking Random Skeleton Ships

A common occurrence in Sea of Thieves is Skeleton Ships. These can pop up anywhere at any time, starting a fun little sea battle.
It’s good to sink these while roaming around because these can drop some hefty treasures, a Ritual Skull being the heftiest prize.
It’s not 100% that you’ll get one every time you sink a Skeleton Ship, but pirates love riding their luck, don’t they?
7. The Collector’s Chest

It’s a long shot, but you can find a Ritual Skill in a Sea of Thieves Collector’s Chest. You can find these in shipwrecks, raiding some forts and vaults, or sometimes as a reward for defeating an Ashen Lord.
However, if you are adamant about finding a Ritual Skull through the Collector’s Chest, here are a few guaranteed ways:
- Find and dig it up using the Riddle Map.
- Find it during the Wayfinder Voyage.
How To Use Ritual Skulls In Sea of Thieves?

Ritual Skulls have multiple uses in Sea of Thieves. The main use of a Ritual Skull in Sea of Thieves is to activate the Fort of the Damned Raid, which we’ll be discussing later on in detail.
You can also sell a Ritual Skull to any interested party in exchange for Doubloons and other rewards.
Placing a Ritual Skill on your ship while sailing under Reaper’s Bones will grant you an Emissary Grade reputation.
Where To Sell Ritual Skull In Sea of Thieves?

Although Ritual Skulls are pretty important in Sea of Thieves, there aren’t too many buyers. That said, here’s where to sell Ritual Skull in Sea of Thieves and the rewards you’ll get for it:
- 10 Bilge Rat Doubloons; if sold to Larinna. (Sell at any outpost tavern.)
- Doubloons, Reaper’s Bone Reputation, and Emissary Value; if sold to Reaper’s Bones. (Varying reward values for every player.)
Sea of Thieves – Fort of the Damned & Ritual Skulls

Now to the main purpose of Sea of Thieves Ritual Skulls. A Ritual Skull is a must-have to commence the Fort of the Damned raid and to enjoy one of the biggest loot in the whole game.
But, we don’t want to oversimplify it. The Fort of the Damned raid has plenty of requirements of its own and a Ritual Skill is the final piece of the puzzle.
Here’s what you have to do to enter the Fort of the Damned event and use a Ritual Skull the way it was supposed to be.
Before you set sail for the Damned Fort, you’ll have to collect 6 Flames Of Fate (which are aboard the Ferry Of The Damned.)
You can probably see where this is headed.
You’ll have to die 6 times in 6 different ways to collect all 6 Flames Of Fate. Here are all the 6 flames and how you have to die to attain them:
- Blue: Flame Of Lost Seafarers- Get killed by a Shark or a Megalodon
- Red: Flame Of Burning Hearts- Get killed by volcanic rocks, lava, or fire
- Green: Flame Of Cursed Bones- Get killed by a Skeleton or Ocean Crawlers
- White: Flame of Treacherous Weather- Get killed by Lightning
- Purple: Flame of the Viper- Get killed by Poison (Snake Bite, Kraken Ink)
- Pink: Flame Of embattled Souls- Get killed by another Pirate (Not your own crewmate)
That’s a fun couple of hours we tell you. Once you have these 6 flames and the Ritual Skill, now it’s time to raid the Fort of the Damned.
You’ll find yourself in a big circular room with 6 statues and a beheaded skull in a cage. Now, you’ll have to light up the 6 statues with the correct Flame of Fate- it’s pretty easy to spot which is which. Once that’s done, the cage will open and that’s where the Ritual Skull goes.
Now’s the time to fight the Skeletons and reap the benefits of your long and tiring efforts, easy-peasy lemon squeezy.
Pro Tip: Be prepared to face a storm of Skeletons and PvP raiders. While you’re fighting those Skeletons, other pirates can steal your loot while you fight the Ghost of Graymarrow. So, prepare your crew and make a strategy before initiating the raid.
And that’s pretty much all there is to talk about Sea of Thieves Ritual Skulls. It’s an interesting piece considering the rewards.
Purely for the adventure and fun, it’s a great venture; but if you don’t plan on raiding the Fort of the Damned, the Ritual Skulls offer very little return for the effort.
What do I do with the Ritual Skull in Sea of Thieves?
How does Fort of the Damned work?
Why is the Skull Stash Voyage locked?
So, if your Voyage is locked, just give it a month.