Twitch, the leading platform for live content streaming, has been subject to significant scrutiny as multiple new policies spark backlash among users.
Over the past few weeks, several streamers and viewers are contemplating moving to other platforms like Kick and YouTube.
These changes began on June 6, when Twitch proposed new restrictions for branded content, leading to widespread outcry among the platform’s broadcasters.

Twitch’s Troubles Continue with Service Terms and Payout Changes
The platform’s woes did not stop with the branding changes. Twitch then modified its Terms of Service, banning multi-streaming on platforms similar to Twitch, which further limited the revenue expansion opportunities for creators.
The latest controversy comes with the reintroduction of the 70/30 subscriber split under the Partner Plus program. However, the stringent requirements for this split haven’t been received well by the platform’s users.
Streamers Notice Lower Payouts Amid Changes
In this climate of change, several Twitch Partners and Affiliates have observed unusually low payouts for the month.
Streamer ‘Babywock’, one of the affected broadcasters, expressed his concern over this unexpected issue, stating, “This is not even a Partner problem. This is a community problem.”
Babywock Opens Up about the Payout Issue
Despite a decrease in his subscriber base due to his recent relocation to Texas, Babywock was not expecting the significantly reduced figures he encountered in his recent payout.
He explained, “So, to see what’s supposed to be roughly over a grand be under $700 is insane.” His sentiment was echoed by several other streamers who reported similar experiences.
The Consequences of Twitch’s Changes
The distressing situation left Babywock feeling “penalized” by Twitch, despite his contributions to the platform’s growth.
He expressed his disappointment, particularly since he had publicly praised Twitch as a good platform for streaming, even in the face of previous backlash over the 50/50 subscriber split.
The Cause of Low Payouts – A Mystery?
Twitch, when approached for clarification, cited “privacy reasons” and declined to comment on the situation.
Babywock speculated that the reduced payouts might be a result of the implementation of the 50/50 sub split introduced in 2022.
The Solution – More Communication
Amid all the negativity, how can Twitch improve its current situation? According to Babywock, the solution lies in better communication with its user community.
A dedicated community spokesperson could provide essential information and clarify policy changes, preventing widespread confusion and discontent.
The Twitch Exodus?
Despite his long-standing relationship with Twitch, Babywock hinted at potentially streaming part-time on Kick due to his reduced income.
The competitor platform currently offers a much more attractive 95/5 subscriber split, which could entice other streamers to switch platforms as well, especially with the introduction of Twitch’s contentious Partner Plus program.
Babywock’s predicament mirrors the frustration and confusion felt by many Twitch streamers in the wake of the platform’s rapid changes.
With more broadcasters considering the move to competitor platforms, only time will reveal if Twitch can sustain its position as the premier live streaming destination.