Bane of Arthropods is a traditional enchantment that was added in the 1.0 version of Minecraft. It can be applied to a weapon to deal extra damage to arthropod mobs.
So if you’re an arthropod hater, this enchantment is for you!
Which Mob will Take Effect of Bane of Arthropods?
Bane of Arthropods only applies to arthropod mobs such as spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, endermites, and bees.
These mobs already have a low health point (16 is the maximum) so it’s really satisfying if you want to kill them fast.

When hitting other mobs with the enchantment, it is useless since it’s not able to deal any extra damage.
How Much Damage Does Bane of Arthropods Add?
Bane of Arthropods has 5 levels in total. Each level adds 2.5 damage (or 1.25 heart). So a level two Bane of Arthropods adds 5 damage and so on.
It’s up to 12.5 damage (or 6.25 heart) extra without calculating the base damage of your weapon.
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Which Weapon Can You Add Bane of Arthropods To?
You can add the enchantment to either a sword or an ax, no matter what tier and material they are. So even an iron sword can one-shot a spider with Bane of Arthropods V.

You can also add it to a book in Minecraft. Doing so will make that book retain the enchantment and you can combine the book with the weapon you want later, or just sell the book for some diamonds.
Which Other Enchantments Can You Add With Bane of Arthropods?
You can add other weapon enchantments with Bane of Arthropods without worrying too much such as Unbreaking, Fire Aspect, Knockback, and Looting.
But there are two enchantments that you can’t get together with this enchantment: Sharpness and Smite.

However, you can use a command to add those enchantments together and they will still work as intended.
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