Fortune is a traditional Minecraft enchantment that was added to the game in the 1.0 version. If you don’t know what it does, fear not. In this article, we will answer the question “what does fortune do in Minecraft”.
What Does Fortune Do in Minecraft?
Fortune enchantment can be used to increase the chance to get certain drops or to get multiple drops from one block. It is mostly used in a Pickaxe to mine more ores, especially diamond ores.
Fortune has 3 levels in total; each level significantly increases the chance to drop more items.
With Fortune I, the number of items you can receive is increased by 33%, and up to 120% with Fortune III.

Let’s say if a normal diamond ore only drops 1x diamond when broken, with Fortune III enchantment, you can get up to 4x diamonds per ore.
The same happens with coal, emerald, iron, and gold ores. For other special ores like copper or lapis lazuli, this amount can be raised up to 20x raw copper or 36x lapis lazuli.

Fortune not only works with mineral blocks but also with glowstone, melons, sea lanterns, nether wart, sweet berries, flint, saplings, sticks, and apples.
Grass also has a higher chance to drop a seed when it’s broken by a Fortune tool.

Which Tools Can You Add Fortune To?

Fortune can be added to four primary tools in Minecraft. They are a Pickaxe, Shovel, Axe, and Hoe.
You may find or force Fortune enchantment to other tools or even armor, but it will not work as intended.
Can You Combine Fortune with Silk Touch Enchantment?
Fortune is a necessary enchantment for literally every tool in Minecraft. But there is one important enchantment that doesn’t work with Fortune, it’s Silk Touch.
That’s why you see many players carry around two pickaxes, one for Fortune and one for Silk Touch enchantment.
And that’s it. Everything you need to know on “what does fortune do in Minecarft.” Goodluck mining!
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