If you love mining in Minecraft, you probably go deep underground a lot! And that’s where you find a situation where you’re surrounded by a lot of mobs, especially zombies and skeletons. Those are undead mobs in general!
That’s why today we will introduce the Smite enchantment! This will help you get through those undead creatures in Minecraft easier and it can save your life in deadly circumstances.
What Does Smite Do in Minecraft

Smite is a Minecraft enchantment that was added in the very first version of the game with only one purpose, to increase the damage you can cause to undead mobs.
Which Mob will Take Effect of Smite?

Smite enchantment can help you deal extra damage to undead mobs. According to Mojang, undead mobs are skeletons, skeleton horses, zombies, baby zombies, zombie villagers, zombie horses, strays, husks, drowned, wither, wither skeletons, phantom, zoglins, and zombified piglins.
How Many Damage Does Smite Add?
Each level of Smite will add 2.5 damage to the weapon, that’s equal to 1.25 heart points in Minecraft. A level V Smite enchantment can add extra 12.5 damage (6.25 hearts) to the weapon.
People Also Ask…
What Is The Maximum Level of Smite?
Can You Put Smite on an Axe?
How Much Damage Does a Smite 5 Netherite Axe Do?
In Bedrock Edition, the base damage of the netherite axe is reduced to 7 and the total damage you can deal is 20.5 as a normal hit, and 24.5 if it’s a critical hit.
Can You One-Shot a Zombie in Minecraft with Smite V?
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